Breaking All The Rules is a free theatre group made up of actors and musicians who tour major towns and cities and put on a variety of extraordinary performances and entertainment on the streets. They are all very talented individuals, each with an appealing character and stage presence. You know the kind of people I mean. Really daring with lots of attitude. So sharp it's a wonder they don't cut themselves. You might be a bit wary of such people, but don't you secretly admire them? Wouldn't you like to be a bit like that? Have more excitement in your life? Live on the edge a little? Take a few risks? Well, why not? You're only here once. Go ahead and break the rules.
“Who you trying to be?
You oughta act like me
Don’t walk like that
Don’t talk like that”
The way you look
Most people don't like your attitude
You walk on by
And you really think you're something else
Wish I could be like you
And feel like you
And only ever care about myself
Treating them all like fools
And living my life by
Breaking all the rules
What you trying to prove?
That's not the way to move"
I've got to admit
They all turn their heads to look at you
And I can tell
They're jealous of what they see
Wish I could be like you
And feel like you
And make them turn around
And look at me
Acting like I'm so cool
And living my life by
Breaking all the rules
“Don’t walk like that
Don’t talk like that”
Wish I could be like you
And feel like you
And make them turn around
And look at me
Acting like I'm so cool
And living my life by
Breaking all the rules
“Who d’you think you are?
Some kinda movie star?”
Breaking All The Rules Copyright (c) Steve Nielson All Rights Reserved